Lake Erie Fishing 2010

Fifteen people in the group caught just over 300 Walleye with some triples and numerous doubles and one of the double catches included a 32 inch and a 28 ½ inch walleye. The average size of walleye was around 26 inches and 6 pounds. Approximately 1,800 lbs. of Walleye were caught with 43 Proud Anglers and 25 of those were sent to the taxidermist. Dave caught the longest fish at 32 inches and weighed in at 11 ½ lbs. Jerry caught the most impressive Walleye at 31 ½ inches weighing a massive 14 pounds and 2 ounces. Bill caught a 30 ½ inch weighing just over 12 pounds. The sunny and calm weather allowed for six full days of perfect Walleye fishing which helped produce full limits most of the days.
The main lures used were Reef Runners with the following colors: Cheap Sunglasses, Bare Naked, Green Perch, Hot Tamale, Fried Chicken, Erie Ghobe and Chrome Blue. The other lure of choice was a Black and Gold Tail Dancer.
The main productive fishing depth varied from 22 to 28 foot at 1.7 MPH doing S turns. The most productive fishing area was just off the reefs between Sugar and Middle Bass Island. The surface water temperature started out at 42 degrees and at the end of the week reached 48 degrees.